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Thursday, June 18, 2009

sebuah kebahagiaan

This is my small family.Even it's small in number but alhamdulillah we have gained great happiness and blessing frOm Allah the Almighty.And we cOmplete each other.How grateful I am for having ayah and umi who always concern abOut me and their reflectiOn of lOve never fade away,amazingly it always arises everyday.Though I knOw that I'm pretty naughty at hOme,they never give up on me in giving advices which they boost my spirit to cOntinue my life to reach Allah's pleasure and najah fi dunya wal akhirah.Thanks ayah and umi...hehe I'm really sOrry because I'm still naughty even I've grOwn up..
Ok..besides that,the other persOn is my brOther.Haha...He's nice and kind even sOmetime i can't stand with his behaviOur.But,it's nOrmal because he's the one i play,share,fight and so on.Hehe..
Aniway..i really lOve my family~

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lead me to jannah

lead me to jannah

a path to jannah

a path to jannah

.::halwa telinga::.